I was home sick, so I got an opportunity to hear the Iranian’s president speak at Columbia. I had to turn it off, so nauseated had I become. I’ve never had much room for little Hitlers, whether they be in the work place or international politics. Especially not the smug and flippant variety.
The man calls himself an educator, but refuses to believe that one of the best documented and most heinous travesties in the history of man (the Holocaust) ever happened. “We need more research” was his excuse.
Research for what? The documentation’s out there, down to serial numbers that were tattooed into peoples’ flesh. How much food they ate. When did they get there and when was their file “closed”. The Germans were obsessed with keeping detailed records of the carnage they were perpetuating.
What’s left to research?
And no homosexuals in Iran? Maybe that’s because they get executed. If you kill them, of course they won’t be there.
I had a lot of respect for Columbia University until that speech. To give someone who will do nothing but spout lies, half-truths and evasion of human rights concern a forum to propagate his lies, half-truths and human rights abuses is irresponsible at best and most certainly dangerous.
While I expect that most Americans will take his comments with a grain of salt that gets quickly tossed away, the same isn’t so for other countries. Particularly ones with any significant fundamentalist Muslim population and organizations.
Perhaps Columbia’s goal was to let him make a fool out of himself. Most American’s realize that he did.
But it ain’t gonna play the same way in Saudi Arabia.
Maybe the powers that be at Columbia don’t realize that most of the middle east has satellite TV. What got said at Columbia didn’t stay at Columbia, and never could have.
This is one of those times I just want to slap somebody and ask “What were your thinking? How has this helped anyone? And don’t you just have some common sense?”
I’m guessing the answers would be “Don’t know. Don’t care. Refer to answer #1.”
Here endeth the rant. I’ve said my peace.
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