We have a new kitty. She's only a few months old and is the spitting image of a young, skinny Pinto (our 18 year-old cat that died in February). An orange tabby with beautiful markings.
She was a stray that wandered up and settled in at one of Shannon's friend's house. He already has more than he can really take care of, what with leukemia and all.
So he called up Shannon and said "Have I got a cat for you". Or something to that effect.
Neither Shannon nor I have had a kitten in a long time. She turns from whining to incredible silliness on a dime. Everything is a kitty toy, whether it is or not. She's like the child that opens up Christmas presents and plays with the boxes.
We've named her Lucy. After that other silly red head.
She's putting on weight and has a little tummy now. Half of her weight, though, must be ears. If she ever grows into her ears, she'll be a plus-size girl.
And did I forget to mention the beautiful eyes? They're different from Amanda's, but just as striking.
Lucy made herself at home immediately. I think that she has spent some time as an indoor cat. She knew what the litter box was for and wasn't afraid of the sofa (AKA the Buick). She knew instinctively where to sack out to get the best attention. (That would be next to Shannon, on the Buick.)
She's also decided that my computer chair actually belongs to her. It's one of her favorite places to curl up into a comma.
She's a challenge, no doubt. But she's help lift a pall that had overtaken this house. Between the deaths that have come and the very real possibility of others to come soon, we need a little silliness in our lives.
She makes me smile when I haven't in a while. She still hasn't figured out that her tail is attached. She runs around in circles trying to catch it, and, when she does, goes immediately into grooming mode.
For someone who lost his innocence decades ago, she is refreshing. She reminds me that all is not bad in the world. That innocence exists. That hope does, likewise.
Amanda's other name is "Little Miss". I've taken to calling Lucy "Little Mess". Just 'cause she is.
She's a mess, our little Lucy with the giant ears. But she's our mess.
It was time.
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