As I have long suspected, Michael Moore has an ignorant, cynical, self-promoting ego where his heart should be.
Granted, the American healthcare system needs reform. We have far too many people without access to it than any industrialized country should allow. Denying that there is a problem is kind of like Bush, Sr. saying (too many times) "there is no poverty in America." We all know it's there. That's a big part of why he lost the election.
There's one fact that can't be disputed: poverty and lack of access to healthcare walk hand-in-hand.
While drawing attention to the crisis in American healthcare, skewing, distorting and misrepresenting facts when it's convenient as opposed to taking a more objective view is not just insincere: it's a disservice to the country as a whole. It does harm, while moving no real solutions forward.
Tell me what you'll do. I don't give a rat's ass about what you think.
Anyone who has to access healthcare knows there's a problem. And the ones that don't know it even better. We don't need another self-agrandizing "documentary" by a smug bastard that doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know.
Especially a film that plays fast and loose with the truth.
Visiting a hospital in Cuba that caters to the wealthy and politically connected and holding it as a standard of Cuban healthcare is like going to Cedars-Sinai or MD Anderson and saying that all medical facilities in the US meet those standards.
They don't. But they're among the best of the best. I'm quite sure that the best of the best of Cuban facilities can't compete with a decent research hospital in the US.
So, Mikey, hop down off that soap box, put the megaphone down and wipe that smirk off your face. You are the hollow man, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Provocativeness for liberal causes does not equal intelligence, and never will. Provocativeness for the sheer sake of being provocative equals stupid.
Be stupid on your own time. If you want to take up mine, go a little deeper. Don't just point out what we all already know. And leave out the stunts and theatrics and clearly unsupportable half-truths.
Consider your sources and evaluate their reliability before accepting them. We're talking about the Cuban government here, which allowed all that to be filmed. It's not a government that's really known for a free flow of information.
Tell me something I don't know and base it in reality, the one I live in. We all know what the problems are. Tell me something new.
What is this? Freshman Composition all over again?
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