09 June 2007

Christmas is when You have It

We’re having Christmas dinner late this year. Tomorrow, to be exact. Shannon crazied out the day before Christmas Eve and didn’t come home from the hospital until after New Years. I had Christmas dinner at Shoal Creek (a very depressing mental hospital, like the people there need anything else to be depressed about) and New Years Day at Seton (a regular, but, nonetheless, very expensive hospital).

We’ve been hospital-free for 6 months, and I intend to keep it that way. I can take better care of him in a better environment than them.

But we never got to have the Christmas dinner I had planned.

So we’re having it tomorrow. It’s my birthday, and I would save the duck until Shannon has his, but it might not be very good by then.

Besides, we both need a little something extra right now to keep up going.

Le Menu

Roast Duck
glazed in honey with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves

Baby carrots sautéed in ginger syrup

Roasted red potatoes
with rosemary

Plum Pudding
with hard sauce

: Norma Jean 2005

For the wine it was either that or the “Marilyn Merlot,” which cost three times as much, and I’m only turning 42. We’ll save the merlot until I’m 50.

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