22 March 2010

A Living Legend Whose Time Expired

Liz Carpenter died over the weekend. After 89 years, she went on to what she described as “that great Democratic convention in the sky”.  She was among the last of the colorful, outspoken and just plain ornery women that spiced up, first, Texas politics and, later, the country’s. 

She once described herself as a "foot-washing, Psalm-singing, total immersion Democrat”.  She didn’t take prisoners and could turn a phrase in a way that left many of her opponents wondering what they just got hit by.  Surely not that little old lady from Texas.

Her insight, charm, wit and tenaciousness served her well over the years.  More importantly, it served the people of her state and her country.  As part of the Ladybird Johnson, Ann Richards and Molly Ivins gang of 4, she spoke her mind and tried to help her fellow human beings along the way. 

She was a force to reckoned with.

The last of the grand dames of Texas politics has passed, but I hope that her life, like those of her compadres, will inspire plain-speaking, foot-washing girls to become larger than life in the pursuit of both a more perfect union and a more socially-just one.  To speak their minds plainly and simply.  To call injustice what it is when they see it.

I hate that she didn’t get to see the health care bill passed.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if it brings her back from the dead.  The healthcare bill was almost 100 years in the making.  It’s arguably the most important legislation in my lifetime.  It’s got to at least have her rolling around a little.

Barring a resurrection, I honor her for her contributions to her state and her country.  She was a great lady, but she was not ours to keep.

Rest in peace, Ms. Carpenter.  But keep raisin’ hell.  I don’t know if I should expect anything other.  And say “Hi” to Ann and Molly and Ladybird, if you get the chance.  Tell them that we won the fight. 

Life will be forever duller without all of you.  We’re stuck with Kay Bailey and her Dallas ear well hairdos.  She’s about as much fun as a wet blanket on a cold night in December.  She leaves me wondering when my toes are going to fall off from the chill that seems to pour off her.

And we won’t even talk about Rick Perry.  I’m a little old-fashioned and don’t like to use extreme profanity in front of ladies.  And that’s what it would be.

I have to close, because I think I need to go wash my feet. 

May God bless you and keep you and always hold you close to his heart.  May you go on to your greater reward, something I have no doubt will happen.

It will be big.  I have no doubt about that, either.

Rest.  In peace.  Forever.

Unless you don't want to,

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