13 July 2008

Activist Citizen

This is an email I sent to my 2 Senators and 1 so-called Representative, and also to a man who used to represent me in Congress, one who has more honor and integrity than the other three put together:

Dear Congressman Doggett,

You're not my direct Representative right now, but you used to be. And you're the one sane voice from Austin that speaks for all of us, whether we can vote for you or not.

Having said that, I strongly urge you to oppose any legislation that uses tax dollars to prop up Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac. While I have lived responsibly and not taken on debt I cannot service, others have done so, irresponsibly. I cannot afford to buy a house, so I haven't. I don't want to be paying for someone else's bad choices.

Please do not make the mistake of allowing individuals and large corporations to believe that the government will bail them out whenever they make bad choices.

I have sent this same message to both Texas Senators and the Congressman who claims to represent me. I don't have a lot of faith in any of them doing the right thing, so I'm writing you also.

I've met you a couple of times, as well as your lovely wife. You wouldn't remember me, but I remember you. You're shorter than I would have thought, but have a stature that is long missing from both Texas and national politics. I'm hoping you'll stand up for me in this matter.


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