14 August 2008

Georgia on my Mind

With its eyes set firmly on occupying Georgia, Russia scares me more than at any time since the symbolic end of the Cold War. It has continued to advance toward the seat of Georgian government and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. State-controlled news sources are concocting conspiracy theories that lay the blame at Dick Cheney’s and George W.’s feet.

While I would like to blame the dynamic duo for any bad thing I can, those allegations ring false. Neither is engaged enough or cares enough to engineer an all-out war on a small country of no strategic value. And if they did, they wouldn’t be on the side of the Russians.

For anyone that wants to know what a nuclear melt-down looks like, this is it. Just read the news.

They won’t use any nuclear weapons because they know that Moscow would be a pile of rubble 15 minutes later. But the simple fact that they might deters action by anyone else.

The US is stuck between a hard spot and a nutcracker. Our nuts are in the middle east, and they’re being squeezed pretty hard. And we can’t spare anything for a Georgian engagement, whether it’s under the auspices of the UN or other.

The US government can posture all it wants, but the Russians know that this is the time to reclaim territory. There is no one with the means to oppose them.

I don’t know how all this will turn out, but I am trepidatious at best and scared as all hell at the worst.

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