For the first time in my life at the ripe old age of 42, I’m going to vote in a primary election. Up until now, the nomination has been decided long before the road show came to my town. Nothing to ensure a low voter turn-out than an already done-deal. Done, carved and served up nicely on the Party’s best china.
Not so this time around the block. My opinion actually matters. There will be no likely Democratic front-runner by the time they bring the show to Texas. We have too many delegates at stake for primaries in Louisiana and Nebraska to matter much. This time, Texas is the next California. In fact, we’re the biggest state left.
It’s time to turn the phone off.
We’ve already had enough calls from the Democratic party and the ACLU and the Committee to Elect Bob Dufus that I’ve pretty much stopped answering unless I’m expecting someone to call. God knows what it’ll be after the primaries and caucuses next Tuesday, when the campaigns have time to focus on the March primary states.
And the devil of it is that I still don’t know who I’m going to vote for. For the first time ever, mine could make a difference, but I don’t know who to endorse.
Both candidates have their good and bad sides. Hillary is a policy wonk who knows Washington inside out. Obama is a newcomer to Washington, a relative naïf.
Those are their strengths and weaknesses, in a nutshell.
One is very entrenched, and the other just got started digging one. I’m torn wondering how much difference trenches make. I’ve always been a staunch Clinton supporter, and I’d like to see the legacy live on. But then again, I’m enchanted by the idea of a fresh breeze blowing through the White House. Part of me thinks that it’s time to open all the windows and do a thorough house cleaning.
Maybe in the next month I’ll come to some peace about it all. Right now, I don’t know. I’m at all at sea.
I just keep hoping one of them will do something so stupid that it will make my decision easier. Given their records, I don’t think that will happen.
God is good and cruel at the same time. He gives two good candidates. Democrats around the country are both celebrating and gnashing their teeth.
It’s like “Sophie’s Choice”, only not filmed as well.
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