08 January 2008

Cult of Personality

NBC just gave the New Hampshire primary to Hillary Clinton, even though she’s only 3% ahead and only 65% of the vote is in. But she’s been out in front by a small margin all night. I guess they’re betting the trend continues. And it very well might.

Exit polls have shown that among the people voting today, those participating in the Democratic primary are concerned about issues and Republicans are more swayed by personality. As un-nerving as it is that treat an election like a prom queen election, it points to why Hillary might just pull this one off: Senator Obama is a charming man who has big ideas, but those big ideas have yet to be properly fleshed out.

If one is voting based issues, one would most likely vote for the person they felt was best prepared to address those issues. And people aren’t as naïve always as I think the press seems to think. They understand the difference between charisma and getting things done.

Well, as least the Dems seem to. In New Hampshire.

Most of the race is yet to come, and it’s far too early to speculate on an eventual candidate for either party. Doing so is just so much peeing into the wind, ‘cause you’re liable to get soaked.

The good news is that, in New Hampshire at least, turnout for Democrats is far higher than for Republicans.

I won’t really care who gets elected, just so long as it’s either Clinton or Obama. They both have their strengths, and trying to predict the eventual outcome is nothing more than a crap shoot.

But I do hope this race turns out to be more than a personality contest. That would put it on the level of the Republican primary, which has nothing to offer me.

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