11 July 2007

Bird in the Hand

Mrs. Johnson died this afternoon, and I had never really thought about why I've adored her for so long until now.

She epitomized an easy grace, dignity, humility and charm that, albeit Texas-style, I have rarely seen in my lifetime. She cared passionately about the world she left behind for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She tirelessly campaigned, lobbied, cajoled and (I’m guessing) twisted a few arms to make her projects reality, a reality that benefits not just her family, but the entire American family.

We lost a national treasure today, one that we can never replace.

Others may imitate, but they would be wiser to simply draw inspiration. There has been and will only ever be one Lady Bird, and her life will resonate through the future in a way that few lives do. The coming generations my not realize it, but they owe her a debt of gratitude.

Some people talk; others act. Mrs. Johnson did both.

She will be sorely missed, but I’ll remember her every time I see the bluebonnets growing on the side of the freeway. Her legacy will live on as long as flowers bloom in the spring.

So, Mrs. Johnson, Godspeed, and thanks. I miss you already.

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